
Seafood WHAT?!


Seafood ice cream has arrived and is a HOT item in Tawain. How gross. Asians have the weirdest taste in food! (I shouldn't generalize, but it's too easy not to.)

Yeah...Yeah...I know...Don't knock it 'till you try it. Well until I do, I will say it sure does SOUND gross. Excerpt: "The 13 flavours on offer include pineapple shrimp, wasabi cuttlefish, strawberry tuna and mango seaweed, all in stark colors from orange to green to black."



Anonymous said...

Do you not watch Iron Chef? They've been making seafood ice creams forever. Not my choice...i like vanilla, not sexually, but vanilla ice cream

Interface7 said...

Well I sure had no clue!!

...and yes I have watched Iron Chef. Guess I missed the Seafood Ice Cream SPECIAL.

Anonymous said...

Don't hate...

Interface7 said...

No hatin'...just laughin'